Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Sometimes you read some writing on a piece of research that is so awful that you want to give in.

This is such a piece:

Meanwhile, the percentages of consumers who indicated that they consider "brand name" among the factors they consider when buying food were eye-opening: U.S., 35%; UK, 24%; Germany, 16%; Argentina, 45% and China, 45% (for an average of 33%).

While this doesn't mean that brands play no role in purchasing decisions, it's clear that for growing numbers of consumers throughout the world, brand names lag well behind not only taste, quality, price and health benefits, but factors such as perceived value and convenience of preparation, according to Eatherton.

Wow. That's amazing, eh? Consumers do not line up to tell researchers that brands influence their decisions. And "taste" and "quality" are more important! What next? Consumers telling us that they are not influenced by advertising? How eye opening.

Let's abandon all communication on brand benefits. Unless of course ......wait a minute....maybe the benefits that the brand communicates are "taste" ..."quality"...."convenience" ....

Monday, October 20, 2008

This makes me dizzy

I am just getting used to the idea of dynamic, digital advertising in stores and now ....this. Technology "that could eventually bring low-cost streaming video to printed displays, packaging, direct mail or magazine inserts".

Amazing. I guess stores are on the verge of getting very entertaining ...or irritating.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Male Shoppers and Social Values

I recently presented some of our shopper research to a meeting of international colleagues at an Iris network conference and was showing the share of grocery trips taken by gender.

In Canada, we estimate that 39% of all trips (including personal care, quick trips etc.) are made by males shopping alone. My colleagues from Netherlands and Germany expressed surprise and assumed that these numbers would be different in their markets.

It was only our Australian colleague who suggested it would be similar in Australia. Canada and Australia and similar in many respects (although it is slightly colder here). But two facts would drive this in my opinion - both are highly urbanized (hence a higher incidence of quick trips) and both are fairly "progressive" in terms of social values. We often contrast with the relatively low % agreement with the statement that "the man is always head of the household" in Canada with that in the US. This could certainly impact shopping styles ...will investigate this further.